For 26 years, Sport dans la Ville has been a key player in promoting social and professional inclusion through sports in France. Through its diverse programs, the association actively supports 11,850 young people, helping them develop personally and providing them with tools to build their future.

To reach these young people effectively, Sport dans la Ville establishes new sports facilities and offers its programs directly in the heart of their neighborhoods. This local presence and close engagement foster long-term trust. By supporting youth from ages 6 to 25, the association ensures their growth at every stage, from career guidance to entering the workforce.

  • 85.5%: The high school graduation rate for young people from distressed communities, compared to 92.4% nationally.
  • 60%: Percentage of young people from priority neighborhoods who do not go on vacation.
  • 30%: The youth unemployment rate in priority neighborhoods, compared to 15.3% nationally.
  • 50%: Percentage of women (ages 15 to 65) who are inactive, compared to 31.7% nationally.
Sports are a powerful tool for connecting with young people and building relationships. We aim to create a positive dynamic that brings joy, enthusiasm, sharing, and a sense of community.

Philippe Oddou - Co-founder and Managing Director, Sport dans la Ville

We didn’t create Sport dans la Ville to produce athletic champions but to engage young people through sports, giving them enjoyment as well as a strong framework, and supporting them on their path to employment. 

Nicolas Eschermann - President and Co-founder, Sport dans la Ville

Action Levers

sports centers across 6 regions

11 850

young people supported in 2024


of participants in the "Job in the City" program secure training or employment opportunities


businesses created since 2007

Resources Provided 
by the Foundation Altitudes
Fondation Altitudes is under the aegis
of Fondation Caritas France