Ecolhuma is an association deeply committed to offering every child in France an equal chance by supporting teachers and school principals in their daily mission.
 Founded on the belief that education professionals are the true agents of change, Ecolhuma develops programs and resources to inspire, support, and empower these key players in education.
 Through digital tools and a collaborative approach, Ecolhuma facilitates exchanges between professionals and decision-makers to build a more inclusive and supportive educational system together.
A child from a disadvantaged background is four times less likely to be among top-performing students. For this child, the teachers who guide them will account for 30% of their academic success, and the school principal for 10%.

* Factors impacting student success, based on John Hattie's study of 800 meta-analyses
I had the somewhat crazy dream that it was possible to help change schools by supporting the men and women who are there for children every day, especially the most vulnerable ones.

Florence Rizzo - Founder of Ecolhuma

Our ambition? To go further to enable every teacher to give their best. More broadly, we believe that we can positively harness collective energy to move towards a fairer, more fulfilling school experience for every student. 

Stephen Cazade - Co-Director of Ecolhuma and Co-founder of Êtreprof

Action Levers
180 000

teachers registered on (15% of the total)

2 789

School principals registered on Manag’educ (20% of the total)

4 million

students reached by 2026 (~33% of the total)

Resources Provided by the Altitudes Foundation

Fondation Altitudes is under the aegis
of Fondation Caritas France